A month of love and…?


This is the month of love, so everyone try getting along okay? I have no idea what’s going on in the fandom, but I kinda do get the gist of it, so remember to be happy, share the cupcakes and the chocolate and flowers!

So onwards we go to the new update!

Loveless Chapter 4


Fang meets Fairy and other encounters

attention wp writers

Attention WP writers, betas (and readers/enthusiasts). After much discussion on the state of our beloved TB/SVM fandom and some hints from readers here or there we feel there could be a better way to direct traffic away from ff. net, which with its creeps on PM, hateful guest reviews and random bigotry has left us all disenchanted and on occasion has stalled the motivation to write. We feel there should be one site that allows an easy overview of what the different WP writers have to offer as a better alternative to the dreaded ff. net and hopefully invigorate our slightly waning fandom. At the moment a lot of writers have a blog roll on their own page that will direct you to the different blogs, initiate spotlights or make recommendations but despite that for most readers transitioning from ff. net to WP it’s a difficult place to navigate and…

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